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Area Profile: Plympton St Mary
Choosing a new home is exciting. If you’re considering moving house in Plymouth, make sure

Renting vs Buying: What You Should Know
If you’re considering moving house in the Plymouth area, we’re here to help. We often

Area Profile: Mannamead
Mannamead is a popular area in Plymouth, but what does it offer? If you’re looking

Should You Retire In Plymouth?
Did you know 64% of Brits want to retire in a new area? A 2021

Summer Sale Tips For Plymouth Homes
Are you ready to sell your property in Plymouth? Summer is around the corner, so

Five Things To Note When Moving To The Coast
Living by the sea is a dream for many homeowners, so if you’re finally picking

Plymouth Becomes A Hotspot As House Prices Rise
Plymouth has been revealed as one of the property hotspots of the UK due to

Pilkington Estates Broadens its Territory from Plymouth, Devon to Cornwall: Exciting News for Property Buyers, Sellers, and Investors!
Pilkington Estates, your trusted Plymouth and Devon estate agent, is excited to announce our expansion

Considering A Mortgage? Here’s All You Need To Know
Choosing to move from renting to a mortgage is a significant decision. But, the change

Area Profile: MannameadÂ
Mannamead is a popular urban area in Plymouth, but what does this area offer? If

Why You Should Revamp Your Home
How often do you redecorate? Keeping your home looking on-trend can be fun and exciting,

Area Profile: Stoke
Stoke in Plymouth could be your next home, but, what are the perks to living